Year 7 Gurdwara VisitPupils from Y7 have been extending their cultural experiences by visiting Manchester Sikh Gurdwara this week. Pupils learned about the...
European Day if Languages and Google ExpeditionTo celebrate European Day of Languages this year MCA students took part in some exciting Google exhibitions. They visited Barcelona and...
Stonewall ChampionLast week ITN visited the Academy to record a news article for Channel 5, highlighting the good work done by the Academy in becoming a...
Duke of Edinburgh 2016 Organised by PE teachers Mr Wanjohi and Miss Gerrie, the students were given a map and a compass to navigate the 8 mile courses. In...
MCA @ The Great Science ShareThis involved schools from around the country sharing and showcasing their favourite STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and...
Staff Wellbeing SessionTo ensure MCA staff have a method of keeping mentally and physically in shape, on 24th June we provided a staff wellbeing session. During...
Engineering Energy STEM Project (Electric Mountain)The students learned about the huge amount of effort it took to build the power plant and how the power plant works. Also during the...
BBC Live Lesson TripTo help our Year 8 students have a better understanding of the 100 year anniversary of the battle of the Somme, History teacher Mr Cook...
MCA France Trip 2016The half term break saw the annual MCA trip to Normandy, France. Over the course of the three days students embraced the French culture...
Year 9 Forensic TripGifted and talented Year 9 students recently visited the University of Central Lancashire in Preston to take part in a Forensic Science...
Great School Sprint Well done to our Year 7 students Ryley Black, Darasimi Ajayi, Dantaya Davies, Ashanti Gledhill and Sandro Fonesco on competing in the...
Launch to SpaceOn the morning of the 10th March, MCA Science teacher Mr Beard was part of a team that launched a weather ballon from the MCPA...
MCA @ the BBC Micro:Bit LaunchMCA was chosen as the national launch school for the micro:bit and on Tuesday 22nd March four students Alex, Megan, Kevin and Julie went...