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Year 6 to Year 7 (Primary to Secondary) applications
At Manchester Communication Academy, we understand that the transition from primary to secondary school is one of the most important stages in a child’s education. We work closely with local primary schools to ensure that arrangements are in place to support pupils as they make this significant step. The Year 7 curriculum and the pastoral support programme help every student to make the best start to their secondary education.

Manchester Communication Academy is open to all girls and boys of all religious and cultural backgrounds. We are proud of being a truly comprehensive, mixed High School serving our local community.

Admission to Manchester Communication Academy in all year groups is through the Manchester Admissions Office and follows current City Council policy.


The admissions office can be contacted at: Integrated Admissions, PO Box 532, Town Hall, Manchester M60 2LA, Tel: 0161 245 7166.

More details on how to apply for a place in our new year 7 intake can be found by scrolling down to the 'How to gain a place' section of this page.

For any student wishing to apply for a place who is already of secondary school age please see In-year admissions 

In-year admissions 

An in-year admission is when you apply to a school outside the normal admissions cycle and at a time when your child should already be attending school. You can apply for an in-year admission at any stage. If you wish to apply for an in-year admission please complete the online form by clicking apply now.


Policy 24-25


Policy 25-26


If you would like your son or daughter to join MCA you should follow the Manchester application procedure for moving on to a High School.

Details will be issued to you by your child's Primary School.

If you live outside the city you should contact Manchester City Council Admissions Office for application details. (Tel 0161 245 7166)


If you want to ensure that your son or daughter secures a place at Manchester Communication Academy we highly recommend that you select Manchester Communication Academy as your first option preference.


We would like to invite parents of a year 5 and 6 learners for a tour of the Academy. We will contact parents of students in local Primary Schools in September.


You can alternatively contact us to arrange a personal tour of the Academy, either during the day or after Academy hours, please call us on 0161 202 0161.


MCA is a true reflection of our local community where we have the highest expectations for all our students. 


Students at MCA make more progress in comparison to the national average. We are rightfully proud to be in the top 20% of schools for progress across the country. 


Above all we are committed to supporting students to be their best and their growth as individuals and citizens within our community are just as important as their academic achievements. We provide all students with a 5 day induction in Year 6 to support a really effective transition. We also  give a free uniform and PE kit to all Year 7 and then maintain a neutral uniform that is easy and affordable to replace in other year groups.


We want all students to feel happy and safe in an environment that nurtures them and supports them each day.



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Once you have been awarded a place at Manchester Communication Academy your child will be invited to an Induction week during the Summer Term of Year 6.  Your child will meet new friends and together you will have exciting lessons in several subjects, some of which will be new to you. Everyone will have lunch together and you will sample some of the food you will be able to choose each day when you start in September.


Parents and Carers are invited to Induction Evening. We hope that this will be the first of many opportunities to meet you. On Induction Evening you will meet with key staff that will look after the well-being and successful progress of your child. Progress leaders, Heads of House, the Principal and Vice Principals all look forward to Induction Evening, which marks the beginning of a new partnership between Manchester Communication Academy and each new family. If for some reason you are unable to attend we are happy to arrange an individual meeting.

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