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As part of the Greater Manchester Academies Trust, the MCA local governing body reports directly to the GMAT Trust board. Find the GMAT Governor Structure here

To view the Governors’ Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests and Attendance Records click here


OUR governors

For all correspondences to the chair of MCA please send to 2 Silchester Drive, Manchester, M40 8NT or mail (F.A.O Clive Palmer)

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Clive Palmer

Chair and safeguarding of MCA

Clive currently works as Head of Equalities at the Department for Education (DfE), leading cultural change initiatives and assisting the developing of policies that make opportunity equal for children and young people.  He has previously held senior management appointments in the Criminal Justice and Health and Social Care industries and awarded Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (FCMI) in 2015 in recognition of his leadership and management achievements. 


Clive has a passion for mentoring, coaching, and supporting individuals to develop their potential. In addition to his work at DfE, he has a long history of voluntary work supporting individuals from vulnerable and disadvantaged groups within the community.


Clive is committed and looking forward to his term with the school’s Local Governing Body, and contributing to the future success of the students and staff.


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Jenny is the Director of Impact at The Tutor Trust, an innovative charity that partners with schools to provide small group tutoring to pupils in disadvantaged communities. Prior to joining The Tutor Trust in 2017, she worked in a variety of teaching and middle leadership roles at a secondary school in Bolton, and is a TeachFirst ambassador. She shares MCA's commitments to educational equity, evidence-based practice, and working closely with families and communities.

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Niall works for GMAT within the IT department, with over 10+ years experience working here. He feels that being a governor will help other's achieve the full potential that MCA can offer each and every single one of its members and community.

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Ian is a member of the Greater Manchester Academies Trust and is employed as Deputy Head Teacher for Inclusion at Manchester Communication Primary Academy. With over 20 years experience that spans key stages 1 - 5, across mainstream, alternative & specialist settings, Ian has held various senior leadership roles and has always been an advocate for inclusive education.


In addition to school leadership, Ian has managed and developed a local authority outreach service; contributed to national advisory groups; consulted on alternative provision panels; designed and delivered training packages exploring the fields of Inclusive/Nurturing practice; presented at National Inclusion/SEND conferences and has delivered lectures to trainee teachers at GMAT & Edge Hill university.


Ian is committed to the transformative potential of education and is passionate in supporting pupils, staff, leadership teams & parents to understand the Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs of children. With strategic leadership responsibility for Personal Development, Behaviour for Learning, Pupil Attitudes and Mental Health/Well-being. Ian successfully obtained his National Professional Qualification for Headship in 2022 and has since gone on to complete a post graduate programme exploring the benefits of adopting a therapeutic approach in the field of Education.


Having studied classical music at university Ian has a passion for anything linked to the creative arts, though, having recently bought a new puppy home, time seems to have disappeared!


Ian is looking forward to strengthening links between the primary and secondary schools through his role as MCA governor and contributing to the future achievements of an Inclusive, forward thinking high school.

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SEND governor
date of appointment - 01/09/2021

Helen joined MCA as a Governor in April 2021 and feels privileged to be part of such a dedicated team of staff and Governors. MCA made a huge impression on Helen right from her first meeting with John Rowlands when she realised that she shares many of the same values as the school. Most importantly, Helen feels that all children have the right to receive the best quality education regardless of their postcode.

Helen’s professional background is in the education sector where she has been a primary school teacher for the last 7 years. Helen has worked in most of the primary year groups and is currently working in Year 6. At her school, Helen is geography subject leader and have been heavily involved in the Year 6 to Year 7 transition process between her own and her feeder school. Helen’s varied roles have given her the amazing experience of working closely with primary children of all ages. Helen looks forward to now working within the secondary sector to help MCA to continue to provide the best education they can for their students. 

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Stephen Doyle

Parent Governor
date of appointment - 01/12/2022

Stephen has 20 years experience in the financial institution helping people to achieve goals they feel maybe out off reach. 


His current role is to help people achieve their goals in the Telephony world of mortgages and help them achieve their goals in their future lives within the company


Stephen feels that being a governor at MCA will help him to understand where the school are looking to go and also to help the parents and the children of the school to have a voice and encourage a healthy working relationship across all parties.

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Joanne Davies

Finance governor

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