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We wish our Y6s a great summer holiday and we cannot wait to meet you in September. Please keep visiting your special page on the website for transition tasks and now find 'Lift-off!' a guide to making the best start possible to Year 7. Click here to view.

Dear Class of 2026,
I am writing to welcome you to Manchester Communication Academy, we cannot wait to meet you. In September you will embark on the next step in your educational journey and we are thrilled that you are going to spend the next five years with us. You are going to meet new people, you are going to learn new things, you are going to have the most wonderful experiences that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
I am incredibly proud to be the headteacher at MCA. I am proud of our school, staff, students and community. MCA students are the best students anywhere and this is because we talk all of the time about four key things that we want to be, do and feel.
Be brilliant. I want you to be brilliant in every aspect of your life. Be a brilliant son/daughter, a brilliant brother/sister, a brilliant friend and a brilliant person. Be the best version of yourself you can be. Be a brilliant student by putting everything into your learning that you possibly can. Be brilliant in whatever you feel you are good at, drama, dance, sport, cooking, singing, writing, debating, exploring, discovering. Be relentless in the pursuit of excellence.
Be brave. Going to a new school, a much bigger school, with new people and new teachers can be scary. There is absolutely no reason to be scared. Be brave in your decisions, be brave by making the right choices and doing the right thing.
Be Kind. We are going to teach you many many things whilst you’re with us but the most important lesson is to be kind to each other. Be kind to your family, your friends and yourselves. There is no greater gift than kindness
Belonging. We want you to feel part of our MCA family from this moment on. We are a family, we are a team and we look after each other. Our motto at MCA is: With you, For you, About you, as our future class of 2026 we will be with you every step of the way.
I know that your year 6 experience hasn’t been ‘normal’ because of what has been happening in the world over the past year or so. In normal circumstances we would be welcoming you into school for our transition weeks altogether. Whilst we hope to invite some of you to MCA we will not be able to run our traditional offer. But please don’t worry, we are going to make sure that you are safe, happy and well looked after from the start of the year and for every moment that follows.
We have some fantastic transition activities that will be done at your primary school, here at MCA and at home too. These will be posted on our website in the Parents’ Section, so please do keep checking the website for these. This will help us to get to know you and help you get prepared for year 7. I’m going to finish this letter with a quote from one of my favourite children’s authors, Dr Seuss:
We’re waiting excitedly to meet you
Ms Watmough
You're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so... get on your way! - Dr Suess


Hello new Year 7!
My name is Mrs Peacock and I am going to be your Head of Year in September. I can’t wait to meet you all and I know that you are going to have an amazing five years with us at MCA!
Over the past few weeks, I have been emailing and having virtual meetings with some of your teachers from your primary school, so I already know a little bit about what fantastic students you are and some of the talents and abilities that you are going to bring to us when you become part of our school.
I am sure that you are all really excited to be coming to high school, but probably a little but scared as well. Whilst you are with us, you will learn new skills and talents, you will make new friends and you will face challenges and sometimes difficulties. Please know that we are here to support you every step of the way from now until you leave us in Year 11 and we want you to grow as much as you can and be proud of the person you will become.
When you join us in September, you are going to meet so many new people and you are going to have the opportunity to make lots of new friends. Let’s try every day to be the kind of friend that you yourself would like to have; be kind, be thoughtful, be helpful to each other and we will have a fantastic year ahead of us!
Unfortunately, you won’t be able to meet your new teachers or classmates until September but we have created a Transition page on our website to help you to start to find out more about MCA and some of the members of staff who are going to be working with you. They are all really excited to meet you and have created some videos to introduce themselves and will be setting you some challenges to complete over the next few weeks.
Have a lovely summer Year 7 - we are looking forward to seeing you in September!
Take Care
Mrs Peacock
Head of Year 7
The only way to have a friend is to be one.
Take a look at our virtual tour video of the academy. This will help you know what to expect when you join us in September.
Want to know what lessons at MCA are like? Take a look at this video to find out more.
Want to know what a typical day at MCA looks like? Take a look at this video to find out more.
To see subtitles on this video click the settings icon and choose your spoken language. If it isn't provided click the options text and you'll find more languages.
Hello Y6 - Soon to be Year 7
Welcome to Transition 2021 @ MCA!
We know you have been reading The Kid Who Came from Space with your teachers so our theme for Transition this year is Outer Space.
We have created lots of fun and exciting activities for you to get involved in over the next couple of weeks via our website and can’t wait to see some of the fantastic work you will be uploading.
Everyone who uploads a piece of work will win a free breakfast in your first week at MCA and there are additional prizes on offer for the best pieces of work we receive!
Look out for this symbol so that you know which pieces of work we want you to send to us

1st Prize = Two tickets to Alton Towers
2nd Prize = £40 Love to Shop vouchers
3rd Prize = £25 JustEat vouchers
We don’t expect you to complete every challenge, but the more you upload, the more chances you will have to win prizes!
We are really looking forward to meeting some of you virtually on Google Meet over the next two weeks so make sure that you have lots of great questions to ask us about life at MCA! For example:
'What clubs do you run at MCA? Which subjects do you do there that we haven't studied at primary school? Are teachers strict?!
Make sure that you also check out the virtual tour of MCA and the other videos we have created to help you get to know us here at MCA!
Have fun and get uploading!!
SEN Introduction
EAL Introduction
Y7 Progress Leaders Introduction
Please click on the picture to view the documents.

Would you like to get involved with our Year 6 Lockdown choir?
Please use this link to hear the song we are using, Lewis Capaldi's (click here). Once you are ready, use this backing track to recorded yourselves singing on your phone/ipad/tablet . Send the video or audio of you singing along to the backing track to g.daniel@mca.manchester.sch.uk.
Once we have all your Videos/Audios in, we will post on social media with all of you singing together! Let's all get singing!!!
At MCA we have a fantastic range of Extra School Activities that will help you to develop new skills and make new friends ! Every student has to complete two ESAs each week, but there are so many to choose from that some students do three or even four ! This is literally a snapshot of some of the amazing activities you can enjoy.
Please check out our curriculum page to see more examples of the ESAs that MCA students got involved in last year
As you may be aware we provide a uniform voucher for all pupils which enables them to claim a school jumper, tie, PE T Shirt and PE Shorts free of charge from Ziggy’s uniform shop in Harpurhey. Before we can issue your voucher, we need to make sure that we hold all the key information for you and your child.
You will receive an email with a link to a Google Form which will ask you to complete questions about student data and free school meal applications, biometric, safeguarding and photo consent and also the ICT and Home/School Agreement. In order to access your uniform voucher, we need you to complete and submit this form to MCA. Once we have checked that the form is complete, we will contact you to ask you to collect your voucher form Main Reception
You can also access the form via the website.
Click here to view the pricing. Prices correct at the time of upload